John Gerard Sage
about john sage
John Sage
Developer, investor, entrepreneur
John Sage is a successful lifelong property developer, investor, entrepreneur and deal maker. He has directly worked with thousands of investors and has managed hundreds of millions of dollars in real estate investments throughout his career.
“My purpose through all my ventures is to deliver proven results benefitting as many people and businesses as possible. I believe that wealth and success are for everyone, regardless of their starting point, if they follow the right advice and block out the impostors.”
“I enjoy sharing my knowledge and tools with clients locally and internationally. My direct approach delivers clarity and results for my clients – I respect your time and look to give you the most value possible.
“When it comes to investing, there are a lot of options available to you. But one of the smartest and most stable investments you can make is in property. Property prices have been on the rise for years now, and they’re only going to go up from here. Plus, as an investment, property I have found is relatively low risk – there’s always someone who needs a place to live, so even in a down market you can often expect to see some return on a real estate investment.”
“In my experience as a property developer, I have sold 100% of my developments through my in-house sales and marketing channels. I have also built million-dollar businesses up from scratch and mentored teams of talented professionals to deliver consistently outstanding results to hundreds of clients.”
“Follow me on LinkedIn for news, tips, and stories related to property development, investment, wealth accumulation, and more.”